

Here you can navigate my site to see my art pieces, coding endeavors, and video games I have made.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me below.



Video Games

About Me

Hello! My name is Arjun Krishnan, and I’m an incoming freshman to UC Santa Cruz. I’m a National Merit Semifinalist, Silver Medalist in Nationals for Taekwondo, and an avid video game enthusiast. My interests are in computer graphics, animation, digital art, and game design. I am amazed by the idea of utilizing computers to create images and interactive media for entertainment. I am also a perfectionist; when I start a project, I continue working on it until I am confident it has been done to the best of my ability.

I am fluent in Java and C++, and proficient in Python. I am skilled in Blender as well as Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Maya for 3D modeling and animation. All of the digital pieces shown in my art gallery were created with Clip Studio Paint Pro. I am well-versed in Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints, Unity, and am in the process of learning Unreal Engine 5.

Contact Me

Email: artk0090@gmail.com
Instagram: @artk0090
GitHub: github.com/AKris0090
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/arjun-krishnan
Itch.io page: violets321.itch.io